Intro Trail ride
"Fun for the whole family, our private one hour rides are geared for everyone! ”
7 to 9 hours in the saddle
2 hours of private lessons
3 hours of trail rides
2 to 4 hours group lessons
- walk, trot, and cator
green package
"Learn to ride and get more out of horseback riding than a simple trail ride”
90 minutes
must groom and tack you horse
skills tested in arena and on trail
emergency dismount
- walk, trot, and cator
Lesson package
"A great way to get one on one instruction with you and your horse”
english or western
jumping advanced courses
arena and field instruction
trail ride options
- meet our instructors
"An assessment of overall horsemanship in order to graduate to the next level.”
90 minutes
must groom and tack you horse
skills tested in arena and on trail
emergency dismount
- written test